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version α‘αα ္ေαΎαာα့္ Sony Xperia M αို α‘αံုးျαဳေααΎααဲ့ user ေαြα‘ေααဲα
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troubled by the slow speeds, sudden crashes and a bunch of errors? Why
not fix all the system errors and explore the vast potential of your PC
and enjoy a more secure network environment? With Genuine Registry
Doctor, you just need a couple of clicks to accomplish that! It
diagnoses all your system’s errors and gives you the most professional
treatment. Thus you need not to take the pain to spend a large amount of
money on fixing or reinstall Windows.
Program Features:
Solid scan and fix
scan the entire system and diagnose problems of registry, privacy, junk
files and system. Genuine Registry Doctor offers you a way to fix all
the errors and optimize PC system.
number of built-in utilities, such as Startup Manager, Disk Cleaner,
File Pulverizer, etc., strongly enhance the performance of Genuine
Registry Doctor. You just need one small free app to own all the useful
very smooth download and installation, the clean and well-organized
interface, the easy-to-understand navigation make Genuine Registry
Doctor extremely easy to handle even for the novices.
100% free and safe
Registry Doctor would like to allow users to enjoy the free software,
clean and safe PC environment. There is no adware, no spyware, no
viruses in it, and it will never let you down.
Automatic protection
Registry Doctor makes all its efforts to protect your PC and your
privacy under real-time protection by its smart automatic scan and sweep
Features Pro version:
Automatically scan and sweep your system errors.
No limitation on fixing errors.
A better-kept and neat registry.
Improved PC functionality.
More superior system optimization options.
Receive free upgrades and support for life.
And more…
OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 Language: Eng Medicine: Crack Size: 5,31 Mb.
αါαေαာ ့ orginial αါ english αို αα½ြα္းα်α္αူα်ားα‘αြα္ေα ့αာαို ့αေα‘ာα္ αါ။
This is a rudimental way to do it. This happen because we dont have
recovery yet. Bootloader seems locked in some ways, so instead
flashing a single zip, we need this way to get it working.
You should need a rooted device. Use Gandalf Exploit included in Framaroot app.
(Download it from
We need a Root explorer app, use whatever you want. (For example:
Extract and copy all apks from "" to /system/app and change permisions for this files.
and install as normal user every single needed apk include in
"". (If wanna use Google Now Launcher, open it
after install it)
Try to launch Play Store, its gonna ask u for a Google Account et voilΓ
α‘αα ္αα္αိုα္း facebook αေααα္αα္αိုαα္αိီαွာ like αုα္αားေαးαါ။
AnyDVD works in the background to automatically remove the copy
protection of a DVD movie as soon as it’s inserted into the drive,
allowing you then to backup the movie using a DVD backup tool such as
CloneDVD and CloneDVD mobile. You can also remove the RPC region code,
thereby making the movie region free and viewable on any DVD player and
with any DVD player software.
What’s new in version
- New: TMT is now supported by AnyDVD’s unique Cinavia fix
- New (Blu-ray): Support for new discs
- New (Blu-ray): Delete superfluous files from disc
Requirements: .NET 4.0 or Windows 8/8.1/2012/R2. (Win 7 NET 4.0 ααွိαူα်ား Download)
Active αုα္ေαးαာေαြαေαာ့
Windows Vista Business/N/Enterprise/N
Windows 7 Professional/N/Enterprise/N
Windows 8 All
Windows 8.1 All
Office 2010/2013
Windows Server 2008/Standard/Datacenter/Enterprise/2008R2/Standard/Datacenter/Enterprise/
Windows Server 2012/Standard/Datacenter/2012R2/Standard/Datacenter
1.KMSpico Install αဲα KMSpico_setup.exe αိုαြα့္αါ
2. Install αုα္αါ
2.1 W8.1 α‘αြα္α ေαာ့ Accept Install the Tap Network driver.
3. Done.
5. Bluetooth - αα့္αဲα iDevice αို Bluetooth α‘αံုးျαဳေαα်ိα္αွαြဲ၍ α်α္ေαာα‘α်ိα္ေαြαွာ Bluetooth ααံုးေαာ့αူးαိုαα္ Off αုα္αားαα့္αါαα္။
6. Turn Off AirDrop - αα့္αဲα iDevice αို AirDrop α‘αံုးျαဳေαα်ိα္αွαြဲ၍ α်α္ေαာα‘α်ိα္ေαြαွာ AirDrop ααံုးေαာ့αူးαိုαα္ Off αုα္αားαα့္αါαα္။
15. Mobile Data - αိုα့္αဲα iDevice ေαြαွာ ααိုα‘α္αဲαဲ ့Mobile Data On αားျαα္းαို ေαွာα္αΎαα₯္αα့္αါαα္။ 3G/4G ေαြαာαိုα္းαြဲα‘ားျαα္αα္αိုေααဲ့ Battery αိုαα္းαိုα ားαါαα္။αါေαΎαာα့္ ααိုα‘α္αူးαိုαα္ Off αုα္ေαးαားαα့္αါαα္။
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